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KONTAKTOR: Experience Exchange

Kontaktor 2019 Live Elektronik Musik Festival presents lectures, workshops & presentations, simply put - experience exchange. Entrance is free of charge, attendance only with preregistration

We have invited several key players from the music & music tech industry to share their experience, give talks, host work-shops and be present to answer your questions and talk face to face a day before they will perform at the festival. Experience exchange events are done together with our partners Investment and Development Agency of Latvia creative industry incubator and Goethe Institut in Riga. 

PANEL I FB event | at LIAA incubator

Ondrej Merta from Bastl Instruments talk & presentation 

Bastl Instruments products and the model of social entrepreneurship 

Marc Caro talk about music in film industry 

being a director, producer & a composer Marc will share his knowledge about nuances of creating music for film accompanied by examples from his work 

Peter Kirn (CDM) talk about music and creativity in the age of overpopulation 

talk about the challenges within the contemporary music and music technology industry, the common models of past, present and future with an approach that reaches beyond the conversation dominated by the USA and western Europe 

Tobias von Hofsten from teenage engineering presentation of previously prepared jams using the latest teenage engineering products and a talk 

To attend panel I talks please register here

PANEL II | at LIAA incubator 

closed workshop & jams in the groups of 3 with Tobias using the latest teenage engineering products. Short excerpts of the jams will be presented for the public therefore attendees have to be available until 6 PM 

To apply for the closed workshop you have to be at least 18 years old, register here

PANEL III | FB event | at Goethe Institut Riga

Music Releasing with T.Raumschmiere / Shitkatapult

Marco Haas - widely known as T.Raumschmiere has been running the Shitkatapult label for more than 20 years and will give a talk on the experience of being a label boss, the process of selecting music to release, working with the likes of Apparat, Cristian Vogel, Oval, Sid Le Rock & others 

To attend panel III please register here 

5 years, 9 months ago

LIVE NOW! ESG: Floodtracks, Puffin, Labais Dama

ESG will stream 3 live performances today at 5PM CET

5 years, 9 months ago

Black Hole DSP2 reviewed in Future Music

FM verdict: 8.9 - well built, easy-to-use multi-effects processor that can generate plenty of useful and musical results

5 years, 9 months ago

Black Double Bass

Two transistor suboscillators and a lowpass filter!