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13 new modules and... a new system! You read it right.

Erica Synths have prepared a lot of new products to present at this years Superbooth in Berlin. 13 new modules and... a new system! You read it right.

And this isn't even all that we have planned to release in the rest of 2019

Reminding that you can find us at the first floor lobby, booth E245.
Just look for all black everything!


From rich synth leads, massive basslines and cosmic sounds to impressive drones in stereo Erica Synths Black System II – a well-considered selection of Black Series modules - is designed to be a reliable instrument for work in studio or for live performances. Use it with keyboards, midi sequencers or as a standalone unit and with some creative patching you will find that possibilities of the system are virtually limitless. Erica Synths Black Series modules are also recognised for their built quality, which makes this instrument a lasting investment.

The Erica Synths Black System II contains following modules:

  • Black Wavetable VCO
  • Black VCO
  • Black Modulator
  • Black Mixer
  • Black Multimode VCF
  • Black Polivoks VCF
  • Black Quad VCA
  • Black Output module
  • Black Midi-CV interface
  • Black CV Tools
  • Black Xfade
  • Black Dula EG/LGO
  • Black Octasource
  • Black EG
  • Black Stereo Delay
  • Black Joystick controller

Retail price – 2900EUR (tax excl.)


Erica Synths Black Sequencer takes the classical modular sequencing to the next level by adding tons of features required for contemporary modular synthesizers. Black Sequencer features 4 channels with CV, gate and modulation outputs, up to 64 step sequences that can be chained in longer ones, independent track time divisions, multiplications and lengths. CV and Gate recording, built-in quantiser, MIDI in/out and many other features essential for composing and performing electronic and experimental music. Even though it provides many programmable parameters per step, it’s intuitive, easy and straight-forward to use, and, we believe, it will become a master controller of many modular setups.


  • 4 CV / Gate / Modulation tracks
  • CV / Gate / MOD recording
  • Clock and Reset In / Out
  • Microtonal tuning
  • MIDI In / Out for clock and recording
  • 16 encoders for easy sequence input
  • Up to 64 steps per pattern
  • Song mode
  • Note, Glide, Gate length, Modulation adjustment per step
  • Probability, repeats and ratcheting per step
  • Performance record mode
  • Adjustable shuffle per track
  • Timing divisions / multiplications per track
  • Built in quantiser
  • Random pattern generator
  • Tap tempo
  • 16 banks of 16 patterns memory
  • SD card slot for backup and firmware updates


Erica Synths Black Stereo Delay is a hi-fi stereo delay with lot of unique features, based on our custom DSP engine. Developed in collaboration with Tim Pechersky aka TeemKaa of Useful Circuits. Tape, digital and ping-pong modes of delay, hold with overdub and delicate delay time and feedback control in combination with CV and trigger control over various parameters make this module not only great effects unit in your modular system, but also - an instrument on it’s own.


  • Stereo delay with adjustable delay time
  • Tape, digital and ping-pong delay modes
  • Tap and clock synchronization of delay time
  • Reverse delay mode
  • Hold mode (samples up to 20” of audio) with Add (overdub) feature
  • Trigger control over Hold, Add and Reverse
  • CV control over delay time, dry/wet mix and feedback
  • Feedback path soft limiting compression
  • Add to hold soft limiting compression
  • Adjustable stereo delay spread

Recommended retail price - 310 EUR (VAT excl.)


Erica Synths Black Spring Reverb is a different take on spring reverberation units. Firstly, it has a built in compact spring reverberation tank and vactrol-based audio compressor, secondly, it can operate an external tank and combination of both internal and external ones for effects unheard before. Thirdly, apart from feedback send-return loop, it has built-in feedback effects – delay, various filters, etc; feedback amount and effect parameters can be controlled manually and via CV, making the module an experimental instrument on its own.


  • Built-in compact spring reverberation tank
  • Manually and CV controlled feedback amount
  • Vactrol-based compressor
  • 5 distinct feedback effects
  • Selection between internal, external reverberation tanks or combination of both


Erica Synths Black Input module interfaces your modular system with other instruments. It features a preamp, versatile envelope follower and most importantly – an accurate, low latency pitch tracker that converts incoming audio into CV, so you can play your modular synth in unison with any external monophonic instrument, even a voice.


  • Balanced XLR, 6,3mm and 3,5mm inputs
  • Input preamp with adjustable gain and level indicator
  • Envelope follower with adjustable threshold and envelope rate
  • Gate and Trigger outputs
  • Accurate, low latency monophonic pitchtracker
  • Continuous and quantized (by semitones) CV outputs
  • Three pitchtracker modes


Erica Synths Cowbell module is an extended, modular version of Yocto (808) cowbell. For more sonic versatility we have added Tune and Decay controls, as well as Tune CV with an attenuator for nice vibratos. The module is developed in collaboration with a French company e-licktronic.


  • Manually and CV controlled Tune
  • Decay controll
  • Manual trigger
  • Accent input
  • Module width - 6HP
  • Module depth – 35mm


Erica Pico SEQ2 is straight-forward, full analogue 4 step sequencer/waveshaper with adjustable sequence length. If you want to have a simple, compact stepped modulation source in your setup, then this is it! Particularly interesting use of the Pico SEQ2 is waveshaping – just apply any audio source to the CLK IN, tweak the knobs and be amazed!



  • Up to 4 steps analogue sequencer
  • Step count selection 2-3-4
  • Full analogue circuit
  • Input and output protection against overvoltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection


Erica Pico BBD is surprisingly great sounding (we were surprised ourselves), full analogue 4092 stage bucket brigade delay module; the smallest BBD in eurorack. Besides nice and clean flanger and delay effects, at full CV settings of TIME and feedback knobs it can produce extreme sonic artefacts. Tweak knobs and enjoy!


  • Full analogue circuit
  • 4092 stage BBD chip
  • Up to 300ms delay time
  • Very clean sound
  • CV control over delay time
  • Input and output protection against overvoltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection


Erica Pico Ring is a balanced modulator (quadrant multiplier) circuit to create bell-like, metallic or robotic sounds. It has built-in sine-wave modulation oscillator for more versatility.


  • Full analogue circuit
  • Built-in sine-wave oscillator
  • Input level attenuators
  • Input and output protection against over-voltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection


Erica Pico Drum2 is compact yet versatile percussion sounds generator. It features 8 algorithms of percussion sounds – Kick drum, Snare Drum, Hi-Hats, Clap and others – see the table of algorithms below! Each algorithm has 3 adjustable parameters (the third typically is decay), two of which are CV controlled. For each algorithm you can save your preferred parameter settings and recall them instantly during the live performance.


  • 8 percussion algorithms
  • Three parameters per algorithm
  • CV control over two parameters
  • Parameter setting memory
  • Input protection against overvoltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection


Erica Pico Noise is a versatile noise and percussion sounds source. It consists of white a noise generator, a resonant VCF to generate various colors of the noise – from extremely dark ones to high pitched resonant sweeps and a VCA/decay envelope generator combination to create range of percussion sounds to emulate hi-hats, cymbals and even sine tone-based percussion, when the resonance is full up.


  • White noise generator
  • Resonant VCF for colored noise V
  • CA and decay envelope combo for percussion sounds
  • Input and output protection against over voltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection


Erica Synths Pico VCO2 – powerful, full analogue VCO with great tracking over 8 octaves just in 3HP! Combine two of those, add some PWM and have a sound of real analogue beast!


  • Manual TUNE and PWM controls
  • +-1 octave switch
  • 1V/oct input with good tracking across 8 octaves
  • PWM CV input
  • Pulse and triangle waveform outputs
  • Input protection against overvoltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection


Erica Pico LFO/S&H is full analogue modulations source – LFO and Sample and Hold – to provide some controlled randomness to your modular setup.


  • Full analogue circuit
  • LFO with triangle and square wave outputs
  • Highly stable S&H circuit based on AS1100CK2 IC
  • Input and output protection against over voltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection



Erica Pico VC EG is versatile looping AD/ASR envelope generator with voltage control over attack and decay times. It has automatic Trigger/Gate detection, as well as “drone mode” – at full CW setting of the Decay knob, the envelope is full open. In the LOOP mode you can retrigger envelopes for even more interesting modulations.


  • AD/ASR envelope
  • Automatic Trigger/Gate detection
  • Manual and voltage control over Attack and Decay time
  • Manual trigger button
  • Input protection against over voltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection


Erica Pico LPG is our take on classical Don Buchla LPG designs. We use vactrols in the circuit for that signature sound, and we added some more features, like configurable resonance and built-in decay envelope.


  • Classical LPG sound
  • VCA and VCF modes
  • Configurable resonance
  • Built-in Decay envelope
  • Input protection against over voltage
  • Protection against reverse PSU connection




Fusion VCO2 is a full analogue sound source with lots of distinct features.

The core of the module is highly stable AS3340-based VCO with three simultaneously available waveforms, transistor-based suboscillator and detune function – two BBD delay lines that make frequency shifter that is mixed back to the principal oscillator in order to emulate two detuned VCOs. Tube crunch – distinct tube overdrive - is added on the top of the mix. Furthermore, Audio input mixes an external audio signal with the principal oscillator which results in crazy sonic experience. Fusion VCO2 is exactly what you need, if you wish to get really low frequencies and have a sound that sets your modular system apart from mass!


  • Full analogue design
  • Great tracking over 8 octave range
  • Detune function for thickening the sound
  • -1 oct transistor based suboscillator
  • Tube overdrive circuit
  • External audio input
  • VCO synchronization
  • Simultaneous waveform outputs

Thank you!
- Erica Synths Team -

5 years, 5 months ago


Starting with records from the boldest Latvian musicians, make sure to check out the vinyl section when ordering synths, the catalog will expand largely over time.

5 years, 5 months ago

Pico VCO2 & Pico LPG

2 new modules in the Pico series!

5 years, 5 months ago

Superbooth 2019!

Find us at the first floor lobby, booth E245. Just look for all black everything!