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Techno & Black System III in carbon fiber case!

A limited amount of Techno System and Black System III are now available in Carbon Fiber Travel case for the same price as before!

With the restrictions of the pandemic easing up and new possibilities of traveling to far-off corners of the world re-appearing, we have decided to make a limited run of 25 units of each - Techno System & Black System III - in our carbon fiber travel case. Now lighter and sturdier than ever, taking it with you - be it to a local venue, a distant city, or a continent away on a winding path into the mountains - these limited edition performance systems are the ultimate travel companion for any nomadic sound artist.

Techno System in Carbon Fiber Travel Case 

Black System III in Carbon Fiber Travel Case

2 years, 1 month ago


ADSR envelope generator for EDU DIY series.

2 years, 1 month ago

LXR-02 Firmware update 1.3

LXR-02 firmware update 1.3 is now available! It's a maintenance update with improved oscillator tuning and bunch of bug fixes.

2 years, 2 months ago

Case & PSU for mki x es.EDU DIY modules!

A reliable and safe power supply unit (PSU) and enclosure for mki x es. EDU DIY series modules.